Private Attorney Exams
Polygraph provides a unique opportunity for individuals accused of criminal behavior to exonerate themselves. When standing in the face of an accusation there are few resources one can turn to that will prove innocence. Polygraph stands as a unique tool that can assist the accused to tell the truth of their side of the story.
Despite the fact that the vast majority of law enforcement officers are diligent and faithful in their duty to protect and uphold the law, it is important to guard against the few who turn the tide of public opinion in a negative direction. Background screening exams verify that an applicant has been honest and forthright in discussing their history and ensures that no disqualifying information was withheld in the initial background screening and to validate the decision to trust potential officers in their sacred responsibility.

Therapeutic Full Disclosure
In therapy there are many times that digging into the truth can be hard, scary and intimidating. Polygraph provides a venue for supporting your personal quest to return to integrity and to live once again in the light of truth. Full Disclosure becomes an initial step to rebuilding trust in a relationship plagued by infidelity in all of its permutations. It can support accountability as an initial step to reorienting one's life after engaging in abusive behaviors (sexual or violent in nature). Healing begins as we own our past, and create a different future. We are not today who we were in the worst moments of our past.
Maintenance Monitoring
As part of the therapeutic process the full disclosure can be healing for the individual that brave that difficult step. Unfortunately as your burden of deceit is lifted, the weight of the new reality rests on trusted others that want for things to heal and improve but sometimes get stuck in a place of doubt and insecurity. Maintenance Monitoring exams are used to ensure therapy is being successful in reorienting behaviors and creating safety for those around you. For those under formal supervision it validates positive change and builds trust that you can be safe in the community and reintegrate successfully into society.

Milieu Maintenance
Residential provides a safe haven from the storms of adolescents when trust and safety have been breached in the home. It provides a safe place for healing isolated from the chaos of daily life and complex family dynamics. To ensure safety in residential care client Milieu Maintenance exams provide a method for ensuring covert activity (SAO, A&D, theft, pornography) do not inhibit the full growth potential that these settings can provide. It also supports accountability for positive behaviors when participating in off grounds passes or visits with family.